AP Quality Assurance
- Service Level Agreement
- Risk Assessments for the buildings, activities, staff (where applicable), health & safety checks.
- Policies and good practice shared
- DBS certificates for all staff
- Trained first aiders onsite
- Insurance public liability
- Costings agreed
- Attendance recording and procedures
- Course overviews
- Accreditations to be awarded
- Visitors procedure checked
- Staff central record
- Staff qualification
- Safeguarding training for all staff up to date and all relevant training at The Limes providers are invited to.
- Lesson observations
- Spot checks done regularly
Please contact Alison Lucas, Pastoral Leader of Alternative Provision at The Limes College if you have any questions on 07515 137884 / 020 8652 1150 or alucas@thelimescollege.org