Further Links
My Choices at 16+ Our partners in Croydon have produced this booklet which contains a huge amount of careers and post 16 information including: Explanation of post 16 pathways, funding, SEN/EHCP's, college and 6th form course listings, open events and lots more
Careermag for Parents Careermag for Parents, Carers and Guardians aims to inform parents so their young people can feel supported - whether they'd like to go to University, do an Apprenticeship, Work Experience or T Levels. This issue is sponsored by Go Construct and The National Construction College and supported by PiXL, Movement to Work, CDI and many more!
Careermag For School Leavers This issue of Careermag for School Leavers is jam-packed with advice and guidance to help your secure your dream role. From using the STARR technique in an interview to the importance of networking, the skills shortages plus much more!
Careermag for Inclusion Episode 5 This issue is packed full of inspiring articles and case studies from organisations working tirelessly to promote and facilitate inclusion in the workplace and equip, inspire and support people in their journey into work. We look at the recruitment of ex-offenders and hear from an important organisation which has worked with them since 1966. Nacro (the social justice charity) focuses its efforts on supporting individuals, building stronger communities and reducing crime. They support vulnerable individuals into society, offering housing, education, substance misuse recovery and advice. Andrea Coady, Head of Service User Involvement, gives valuable insight into how employing ex-offenders can really benefit your business and society as a whole. We also feature case studies, including one from the Downs Syndrome Association, who are working with Hilton hotels to give people with Downs Syndrome valuable work experience and opportunities, and a feature from East Sussex about iCan - a bespoke careers event for young people with additional needs.
Careermag for Inclusion Episode 6 We've got some fantastic guest contributors for this issue from organisations who are paving the way for greater access and inclusivity in the workplace for young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
Choices Magazine December Issue
Lifetime Training If you're trying to find an apprenticeship to begin after your studies have finished, click on the link below. Lifetime Training advertises lots of apprenticeships across multiple industries. Type in your postcode, set how wide you would like your search to be and explore opportunities.